Food & Water2024-03-27T13:45:12-07:00

Ecology, Agri/Culture, Politics and the Arts. Since 1986.


Ben & Jerry’s Legal Bedfellows: From Big Tobacco to Monsanto

Most people don’t know the law firm Shook, Hardy & Bacon. But if you’re a multinational corporation with a history of harming people, Shook Hardy is the go-to law shop. The firm has guided tobacco and chemical corporations through cancer denials and a mountain of lawsuits, most recently defending Bayer/Monsanto on glyphosate claims. And – surprise, surprise -- Shook Hardy

Water Warrior: Remembering Rob Hemond

Carmi was more than Rob Hemond's hometown lake, it was his livelihood. He seemed to know about every drop of water in the region. He also seemed to know everybody.

Bold Solutions for Clean Water

This video features images from the damage being done by CAFO dairy farms in Addison County, Vermont, where more than half the water quality damage is attributed to its growing number of “concentrated animal feeding operations.” Clean water activist and RegenVt supporter Eben Markowski explains how the “baby steps” being recommended by state regulators and politicians to fix the


Water Warrior: Remembering Rob Hemond

Carmi was more than Rob Hemond's hometown lake, it was his livelihood. He seemed to know about every drop of water in the region. He also seemed to know everybody.

Video Alert: Clean Water or Factory Farms?

The number of CAFO dairies in Vermont, those with more than 700 cows that practice permanent confinement, have more than doubled in a five year period. This rapid increase in factory-style farms has coincided with a dramatic increase in water quality issues, including a rapid rise in cyanobacteria outbreaks. This video features images from Vermont’s Addison

Forbidden Grazers, Dirty Water

This 2-minute video summarizes the dilemma facing Vermont’s industrial dairies. The footage was obtained during the tours RegenVT gave of what’s being called the “Ground Zero” for the state’s dairy pollution, Franklin County. It features footage of confinement dairies, a 7-million gallon manure pit under construction, and Lake Carmi’s cyanobacteria-infected water — and ends with


Ben & Jerry’s Legal Bedfellows: From Big Tobacco to Monsanto

Most people don’t know the law firm Shook, Hardy & Bacon. But if you’re a multinational corporation with a history of harming people, Shook Hardy is the go-to law shop. The firm has guided tobacco and chemical corporations through cancer denials and a mountain of lawsuits, most recently defending Bayer/Monsanto on glyphosate claims. And – surprise, surprise -- Shook Hardy

Water Warrior: Remembering Rob Hemond

Carmi was more than Rob Hemond's hometown lake, it was his livelihood. He seemed to know about every drop of water in the region. He also seemed to know everybody.

Bold Solutions for Clean Water

This video features images from the damage being done by CAFO dairy farms in Addison County, Vermont, where more than half the water quality damage is attributed to its growing number of “concentrated animal feeding operations.” Clean water activist and RegenVt supporter Eben Markowski explains how the “baby steps” being recommended by state regulators and politicians to fix the


Vermont Rising: Beyond Big Dairy

By Michael Colby Vermont’s agricultural narrative is overdue for a change. The tale of family farmers, grazing cows, thriving communities and across-the-board artisan quality is almost a museum piece at this point. While the images still dance in our heads – and in the marketing campaigns – they’re mostly a thing of the past. Vermont is poised for our

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